Return policy
You MUST return all unopened Dionne James Soulutions products to the original point of purchase. For a full 100% money back guarantee within 30 days of purchase, all merchandise must have been purchased directly from No refunds on packets. All sales are FINAL on all promotions - NO REFUNDS.
Customers who purchase products from Soulutions website may return them by mail. Please call 1-404-736-4635 or contact a customer service representative. Items purchased in Dionne Janes free-standing store at 1874 piedmont rd Atlanta ga 30324 suite 445D can be returned to the store directly. Dionne James Soulutions products purchased in all other locations must be returned to their original point of purchase.
Please include the sales receipt and/or invoice with any and all returns. If you buy Soulutions products from unauthorized retailers or other unauthorized sources, we cannot assist you with any problems that you may encounter.
If you need further information regarding the return of any Soulutions products, please call us at 1-404-736-4635 It would be our pleasure to assist you best we can!